Posted By: Joy Hutchinson

Psalms 127:3, "Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward."
Well, it's that time of year again, Mother's Day. It's the day when you get the Cinderella wake up, you know, the birds singing with relaxing music in the background....and then you wake up to a 3 and 5-year-old, plus two cats on your bed. The urge to get to the bathroom turns you into American Momma Ninja Warrior as you climb over sleeping kids, husband, and cats. As soon as you get to the bathroom door you hear "MOM!!"
The two seconds of peace and quiet are over and the next 40 minutes are filled with the chaos of finding clothes that match but also fit, socks that also kind of match, to finally making it to the Mother's Day service. For the last 6 years, I have tried to help my husband financially by making things to sell, going back to school, and looking for a job. Through it all God has shown me that I have a greater job in front of me that will also financially help my husband. That job is being a Mom and Wife. I thought I wasn't helping my husband unless I was out of the home working a 9-5 job, but for our family, I actually help him more by being in the home, teaching our children, keeping the house picked up, and running errands. Have you ever been so focused but focused on the wrong thing? God showed me through every "no" that I needed to change my direction of focus and put my trust in God. God has helped me to see that He will provide for our family financially so I can put my focus more on my home. Being a Mom can get messy, chaotic, and leave you drained, however, God says children are HIS reward. When you run in a race or train for a competition you get tired and sometimes feel like you just want to give up, but once you cross that finish line and get your reward all that the pain fades into the background as you glory in your victory. With every reward, there has to be work involved! Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Mom life wasn't meant to perfect, Mom life was meant to be rewarding. This Mother's Day trust God in the chaos, thank God for the 2 seconds of peace and quiet, and remember our children are a gift from Him as a reward!