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Sweet Tea & Prayer

Updated: Jan 17, 2019

Posted By: Missy Bugbee

Read 1 Timothy 2:1

Pray without ceasing means, "short frequent prayers, and to always be in an attitude of prayer."

Why should we pray with out ceasing (stopping)?

So we can stay in a right relationship with God and the line of prayer stays open.

Read Colossians 3:2

What are we supposed to set our affections on?

Walking in God's presence is important to have a prayer life that will move mountains.

Setting aside time to pray should be a daily priority.

You can start off with just 5 minutes and work your

way up to whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to do.

Just like you feed your body physically

you need to feed your soul spiritually.

What is the fruit of the Spirit? (Galatians 5:22-23)

The fruit of the Spirit grows as you water it daily in the Word of God and prayer.

Read Luke 15:12; John 17:20-21

How should we pray?

We should pray... 1. Trusting in God's omnipotence (Philippians 4:19) 2. Having confidence before God and claiming the answer. (1 John 3:21-22) 3. Being in good standing with God 4. As one of God's remembrances (Isaiah 62:6-7) We are appointed intercessors for our lost family & friends. 5. In secret (Matthew 6:6; Matthew 14:23; John 6:15) 6. Spirit lead (Matthew 4:1) We need to be spirit lead in our prayer life, daily life, and ministries we are involved in. We should also pray for the spirit of the workers in our church ministries. (2 Corinthians 1:11; Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18) 7. With a listening ear. 8. Keeping a short account 9. Thanking God for specific answered prayer

Read 1 Corinthians 15:31

The same faith you had when you got saved is the same faith you should have when you pray daily.

It is not in our flesh to want to have faith, our flesh wants us to be in control of every situation. Paul says

"I die daily" because he realized he had to die to his flesh daily so God could take control of his life.

The Lord asked 3 things of His disciples: 1. To be separated (John 15:19) 2. To be sanctified or set apart (John 17:17) 3. To be one in love (Leviticus 11:44) 4. To be holy (Leviticus 20:26)

We should try to be these things too.


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